What Are the 3 Major Functions of the Immune System?
The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that help protect the body from harmful substances. It detects and destroys foreign antigens, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. The immune system has two major subsystems, innate and adaptive. The innate immune response is a non-specific defense mechanism that recognizes foreign antigens, while the adaptive immune response is able to detect and attack the same pathogen in the future.
The thymus is an organ located in the upper chest and instructs immature lymphocytes to mature into mature T-lymphocytes. The liver is a major part of the immune system, since it contains large numbers of phagocytes that feed on bacteria in the blood as it passes. In addition, B-cells develop into plasma cells, which produce immunoglobulins for serum and secretions.
The antigen-presenting cells (B cells) recognize and attack pathogens. These cells release chemical messengers into the bloodstream, which recruit additional immune cells. These cells include macrophages, mast cells, and natural killer cells. All of these cells are important components of the immune system and contribute to a healthy immune system. This process begins when a pathogen infects a cell.
As the immune system responds to foreign antigens, it distinguishes healthy tissue from foreign materials. Foreign materials may include pollen, microorganisms, and even a transplanted kidney. Some immunodeficiency disorders alter the immune system’s ability to distinguish between healthy tissue and foreign substances. Primary immunodeficiency patients can have increased susceptibility to infection and autoimmune diseases.
What are the 3 major functions of the immune system, and how do they affect you? The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals that protect the body from foreign invaders. It works hard to keep the body healthy and fight off diseases. The white blood cells, which are called leukocytes, eat up germs, and the lymphocytes help the body remember the invader.
The innate immune system responds quickly to foreign invaders and defends the body from harmful bacteria. It is composed of skin, the eye’s cornea, and mucous membranes in the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts. The innate immune system is active at birth, and if the body is infected, it responds by killing the invaders and releasing protective chemicals.