Intramuscular Testosterone Injection – What Happens If Testosterone Is Not Injected Into the Muscle?

If you’re considering an intramuscular testosterone injection, you’ll probably be wondering: what happens if the testosterone is not injected into the muscle? Here are some things you should know about this procedure. A 25-gauge needle, a long enough size for the muscles to receive testosterone, is the best choice. It’s not difficult to use and ensures that the hormone reaches the muscle tissue.
If you have a history of pain, you may want to opt for a different site. You can perform an intramuscular testosterone injection in the upper outer glute or the deltoid muscle. A subcutaneous injection, on the other hand, is done in the abdomen or upper outer thigh. The inner thigh is not a good choice, because of the presence of veins.
Another risk is a needle that’s too thick for the muscle. The oily substance in the injection can cause infection. To minimize the risks of infection, users should clean their hands thoroughly before injecting. You can also use antibacterial soap to clean your hands. The needles are not the same size as those used for injections of other anabolic steroids. You shouldn’t use a needle larger than this for testosterone injections.
Another potential side effect is that your blood pressure may increase if the hormone is not injected into the muscle. This can cause heart attack or stroke, so make sure you tell your doctor before undergoing an injection. It’s also important to follow the doctor’s instructions if you have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease. If you’ve ever had an attack, you’ll want to be sure you have the right dosage for your body.
While the testosterone dosage for intramuscular injection varies from one person to another, it’s best to be safe. The dosage and frequency vary based on the individual. A typical dose for testosterone is 100 mg per week, and some guys prefer 400 mg. Another way is to inject it three times a week. This helps balance testosterone delivery and avoid muscle damage. A study showed that testosterone levels are higher after the first injection and drop off after a week.
While testosterone injections are generally safe, testosterone injections can also cause an increase in red blood cell counts. This is why doctors always perform a red blood cell count test before administering testosterone. Injections also increase the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, it is important to check your red blood cell count before the procedure to be sure that you’re not allergic to the medication. You can also ask your doctor about the benefits and risks of testosterone injections before starting the process.
While testosterone injection can increase your performance, it is crucial to follow the correct guidelines for injection. If you’re not getting the testosterone you need, you may experience side effects such as breast growth or an increase in body hair. Some other side effects of testosterone injection include increased body hair, a deep voice, and oily skin. These are all possible side effects of testosterone injections, but they’re rare and easily reversible.