The Role of Crane Services in the Cedar Rapids Flood Recovery Efforts

In June 2008, crane service cedar rapids iowa was devastated by a flood that covered 10 square miles. It destroyed numerous properties and left many in need of repair or replacement. Since then, the City and federal agencies have worked tirelessly to restore the damaged area with an integrated flood risk management strategy that includes earthen levees, floodwalls and closure structures along the east side of the Cedar River.

Cranes are a Lifesaver

Cranes use their long arms (booms) as levers to lift, lower and move loads. Additionally, they use their centre pins as a fulcrum point and their engine provides effort force.

For this to work, crane operators must allow for enough slack in the boom. Otherwise, the load may snap off unexpectedly.

Cranes must be assembled on firm ground that has been thoroughly drained and graded according to OSHA requirements; otherwise, support outriggers cannot adequately compensate for unstable ground.

Cranes can pose a danger to pedestrians who pass them by. OSHA statistics reveal that cranes are the third leading cause of fatal construction accidents, and a recent study revealed that cranes often become involved in power line collisions.

Cranes are a Safety Device

When the Cedar Rapids flood swept over the city of Cedar Rapids, causing massive destruction and destruction, Crane Services team at Great America Building were there to lend a helping hand. Not only did they aid with rebuilding efforts but they also saved lives.

Cranes are renowned for their strength, but can also be hazardous when operated incorrectly. Falling loads, boom collapse, rigging issues and two blocking are just some of the potential dangers that could cause an untimely demise.

Unfortunately, these accidents are preventable with proper training and proactive safety solutions.

One of the most frequent crane-related incidents is a falling load, which can be caused by operator negligence or slipperiness. Another potential cause for such incidents is mechanical malfunction.

Caught-in/between hazards are another potential hazard that can be avoided with proper training and communication between the operator and ground workers. These incidents occur when someone gets caught between or in between the swinging parts of a crane, potentially leading to death by crushing from its movement.

Cranes Are a Cost-Effective Solution

Cranes are an invaluable asset for any construction project. Not only do they lift heavy loads and move materials, but also enable workers to work on multiple jobs simultaneously.

Saving both time and money with them is a breeze, as they require little or no setup before use. Furthermore, they don’t need an entire team to operate them either.

However, using cranes has its drawbacks; they’re expensive and difficult to transport from one place to another. Furthermore, their size makes them dangerous to drive since they tend to cause collisions or other accidents more easily than smaller vehicles.

When working with cranes, it is essential that they be used on firm ground that has been properly drained and graded. Doing this will help guarantee that the crane won’t topple over during lifting or transport operations.

Cranes Are a Good Investment

Cranes are invaluable assets to any construction company. Not only can they move heavy loads in hazardous situations, but they have the potential to save lives as well.

Before making a decision on purchasing or renting a crane, it’s essential to take into account your project timeline and the type of job site. Doing this will enable you to identify which option is most advantageous for your business.

Another factor to consider is whether or not you plan on using the crane frequently. If so, investing in one and saving on rental fees over time could be worth considering.


But you should be aware of the hazards that come with owning a crane. They’re particularly vulnerable to storms and lightning damage, so make sure your crane is regularly maintained and inspected prior to use.

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