The Importance of Compliance Audit Software and Why Nimonik is the best audit system provider

What is a compliance audit? Why it is important today, especially in the modern organizational and industrial ecosystem. An audit is a thorough review. Thorough to what? To the compliance of an organization/company/industry with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards in the jurisdiction where the organization/company/industry operates. Today, the overall review is created automatically with the help of software, namely what is commonly called Compliance Audit Software with Nimonik Inc. as the most trusted provider. In the following paragraphs, we’ll talk about why Nimonik Inc. is something you need to deal with when it comes to choosing a Compliance Audit Software provider.

The review covers many aspects, such as security policies, the rigor of operating processes, access control for staff and users, risk management, and many more. Compliance audits cannot be considered general because they can vary depending on “where the audit is conducted”. Compliance audits in public and private companies are of course different, given the (different) nature of their responsibilities to the government and society. The more sensitive the financial data involved, the more audit usually takes longer/more complex. A good example is an audit conducted under the Sarbenes-Oxley Act. The audit is lengthy as every form of electronic communication must be demonstrated to be backed up and secured by a standard disaster recovery infrastructure.

In essence, every modern organization should conduct regular compliance audits as well as keep track of them. The audit trail is obtained from each event log management software data combined with other data related to internal and external audits. While internal audits are carried out by the organization’s staff with a focus on ensuring the organization is running on the track envisioned by internal guidelines, and external audits are conducted by independent third parties who ensure the organization does not violate “overriding” regulations and standards, compliance audits go much further by integrating the two, or in other words, balancing “what is wanted” by internal and external parties.

Indeed the end result is compliance with regulations but at its core is bridging between internal and external guidelines. There are various providers that you can find by typing in a few keywords related to regulatory compliance but not all of them are reliable. One of the reliable ones is Nimonik Inc.

Why Nimonic?

There are several advantages of Nimonik’s Compliance Audit Software which are compelling reasons why any company can rely on it for a thorough thorough compliance audit that is thorough and efficient.

– Can be run on mobile

Yes, Nimonik has created a Compliance Audit Software which is practical because it can be run by mobile digital devices based on Android and iOS. It seems that Nimonik has anticipated the fact that users tend to spend more time on their mobile devices.

– Thousands of free audit templates

By using Nimonik’s Audit Compliance Software, users are provided with thousands of free audit templates. Actually about 2 thousand! But that doesn’t mean they can’t use their own custom audit template. As well as being able to use their own custom templates, users can also upload them to their accounts and distribute them across the relevant organizations.

– Easy scheduling

Every audit must be scheduled and at times, scheduling can be quite complicated due to adjustments to other schedules. With Nimonik’s Compliance Audit Software, scheduling can be easier because the synchronization with other schedules can be done in a very short time.

– It can be very specific

In other words, in Nimonik’s Compliance Audit Software, users can select certain items to be audited. Thus, work will be more efficient.

– Access all data via API and the ability to extract it

All audit data generated from the audit process can be accessed via the API and then extracted to Excel format for easy editing and documentation.


Compliance audits are audits that balance internal and external demands to ensure the organization/company is “going on the right track”. For this reason, Nimonik provides the most reliable comprehensive audit solution because of its wide range of conveniences and coverage.

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