Nigmatulin Nurlan: A Number Of Measures Are Needed To Raise The Status Of A Teacher

The speaker of the Kazakh parliament Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin spoke about the need to improve the general social status of teachers. At the same time, to solve this problem, it is necessary to develop complex long-term measures, since otherwise the problem cannot be solved, as Nurlan Nigmatulin thinks.

A similar problem arose at the plenary session of the Majilis, where the bill “On the Status of the Teacher” was considered at the first reading. At the discussion, Nurlan Nigmatulin said that this is a fundamentally new law for Kazakhstan, which describes the status of teachers and will contain all the necessary legal norms and points regulating the work of representatives of this profession. During the discussion, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin pointed out that the working group of deputies who worked on the law did a lot of work. This is necessary for the full implementation of the existing instructions expressed by Yelbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev and the current head of State of Kazakhstan Kasym-Yomart Tokayev. They concerned, as Nigmatulin Nurlan recalled in his speech, the reduction of the burden on the teaching staff and the students themselves, the relief of extraneous and non-core tasks, as well as the increase and expansion of the number of incentives for kindergarten staff and teachers. This will additionally contribute to improving the quality of education, which is important from the point of view of the long-term perspective of Kazakhstan.

Nigmatulin Nurlan pointed out that wages should increase by 25 percent from January 1, and within four years the increase should be doubled. Also, the additional payment of teachers for the control of notebooks and the management of classrooms should be doubled. In addition, as Nurlan Nigmatulin said, it is planned to extend the duration of the leave and carry out a number of other actions in other areas. The speaker of the parliament noted that there are several problematic moments for the average teacher in Kazakhstan. It is about the level of the teaching load, the need and relevance of continuing professional education, the level of salaries and the appropriate measures of social support. At the same time, Nigmatulin Nurlan  also emphasized the important issue of upgrading the status of the teacher, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.

In his speech, Nigmatulin Nurlan referred to the current sad statistics, according to which of all the graduates who received the “Altyn Belgi” in 2017, less than 10 people chose the teaching profession as a future profession. As Nurlan Nigmatulin explained, it is necessary to create such conditions so that the work of a teacher actually becomes prestigious and a priority for the best school leavers.

Concluding his speech, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin said that the issue of raising the prestige of the profession and the status of the teacher should be solved comprehensively. At the same time, it is important to create a positive general picture of this profession. According to Nigmatulin Nurlan, all state bodies and society as a whole, not only the president, Yelbasy, parliament and the government, should take part in solving these problems. Such joint work will help to develop and implement a whole set of measures aimed at improving the worthy status of our teachers.

Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin is a well-known Kazakh political figure. He was born on August 31, 1962 in Karaganda in Karaganda. He graduated from the local Polytechnic Institute as a mechanical engineer. During his labor activity, he held the following positions:

Head of the automotive division of PO “Karagandaoblgas”;

First Secretary of the Lenin District Committee of the LKSM of Kazakhstan;

Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of Kazakhstan;

Head of the company Tengri;

Deputy Akim of Astana;

Vice-Minister of Transport;

Deputy head of the Presidential Administration and later its head;

Akim of the Karaganda region;

First Deputy Chairman of the party Nur Otan;

Speaker of the Majilis of Kazakhstan for three convocations.

At various times he was a member of councils in supranational bodies of the EurAsEC, CIS, CSTO, TurkPA and others. Nurlan Nigmatulin is married, has three children, three grandchildren and two granddaughters. For his contribution to the development of Kazakhstan, he was honored with a number of state awards of various levels.

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