Is Sourdough Bread Healthier Than Gluten Free Bread?

Sourdough bread is naturally fermented, is sourdough bread gluten free, meaning it contains lactic acid bacteria. These beneficial microbes break down some of the gluten in wheat flour, making it easier for some people to digest for greater ease.

Sourdough has a lower glycaemic index, helping those living with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Plus, it’s packed full of prebiotics–indigestible fiber that feeds gut bacteria and enhances digestion.

It’s easier to digest

Sourdough bread is more digestible than gluten free bread due to the acid in it that breaks down gluten proteins and releases fructans, making it more appealing for those with digestive issues like bloating and gas.

Sourdough bread has less sugar than other types of bread and is less likely to cause an abrupt spike in blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it contains high amounts of fiber which has been known to help regulate glucose levels and prevent diabetes.

Studies conducted on empirical, in vitro and clinical samples suggest that long-term fermentation processes improve bread digestibility by altering starch and protein fractions due to the diverse metabolic activities of bacteria and yeasts in sourdough starter. Lactic acid bacteria reduce physic acid, which prevents absorption of certain nutrients and may cause gastric discomfort; additionally they increase bioavailability of phenolic compounds, vitamins and minerals like potassium, phosphate magnesium folate zinc combinations.

It’s rich in nutrients

Sourdough bread contains lactic acid bacteria which helps your body absorb more essential nutrients from the grain, making it a healthier option than other varieties of bread.

Sourdough bread is also packed with protein, providing your body with structure and aiding in immune system health. A medium slice contains 8 grams of this vital nutrient – 30 percent for women and 22 percent for men – making it an excellent addition to any meal.

Additionally, it has a low fat content and lower glycaemic index than other kinds of bread, helping to reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, weight gain and insulin resistance.

Sourdough is an excellent source of vitamin B-1, or thiamine, an essential nutrient your body requires for energy production. It also aids the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Furthermore, it contains potassium and magnesium as well as manganese which is necessary for bone and nerve health.

It’s low in fat

Sourdough bread is low in fat due to its high fiber and protein content. This makes it a perfect food for weight loss as you’ll feel fuller for longer.

Sourdough bread has lower carbohydrates than other varieties due to the fermentation process that it goes through.

This lengthy fermentation process breaks down large compounds found in grains, including gluten proteins. This makes it easier for individuals with gluten allergies or sensitivities to digest.

Furthermore, sourdough bread is more nutritious than other types of bread due to its presence of lactic acid bacteria. This bacteria helps lower levels of phytate – an ingredient which binds minerals in grains and prevents absorption by your body.

Sourdough bread is an excellent source of B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, folate, magnesium and niacin. These essential nutrients support cell growth and function while decreasing your risk for heart disease and cancer.

It’s lower in sugar

Sourdough bread contains lactic acid which reduces carbohydrate absorption by your body, thus decreasing its glycaemic index. This may help diabetics and others with blood sugar issues better regulate insulin levels when they eat this type of bread.

Sourdough bread can be a beneficial option for those on the ketogenic diet, as it aids weight loss and regulates blood glucose levels. However, be aware that sourdough is not particularly filling so don’t count on it to satisfy all your hunger needs.


If you’re trying to shed or maintain weight, eating nutrient-rich foods is the way to go. Incorporating vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds and fatty fish into your meals can be beneficial in providing sustained energy throughout the day without raising blood sugar levels too high.

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