Importance Of Looking Into A Student Handbook When Charged With Disciplinary Violations
Every educational institution develops some disciplinary measures to prevent academic misconduct or disciplinary violations. The policies encompassing this differ from one institution to the other. One might think that access to these is only allowed by the authority. But this is not true. If one has been accused of academic misconduct, in spite of scrabbling through the internet by using keywords like ‘academic misconduct’ or ‘honor code violation,’ one should look into the student’s handbook, which would contain all the details of the procedure that the student might face. Besides seeking help from the handbook, it is also essential to consult an education lawyer for misconduct from the beginning, as expert legal guidance can hugely impact the case outcome.
Why Should One Consider Looking At The Student Handbook?
There are numerous benefits of looking into the student handbook. Below are highlighted some top reasons :
Definition of the Honour Code Violation That One Is Accused Of:
The perception of the honor code violation differs from institution to institution, which also leads to a differential definition. The student’s handbook can reflect clearly on the particular definition of the violation of the honor code that the student is accused of. This also assists in providing a better understanding of the case and the steps that should be taken to mitigate the charges.
Detailed Description Of The Defense Submission Procedure:
Along with the definition, the handbook would also contain a detailed description of all the defense submission procedures so that the student can submit it in the appropriate manner. Adopting an improper approach will impact the success of the defense and jeopardize the student’s career. The handbook would additionally contain the procedure for securing the evidence that one has been used against one in a disciplinary hearing.
Important Information About The Student Hearings:
The book will contain a student hearing section highlighting all the rules for the hearing. For example, institutions may allow the parent to be an advisor during the hearing but restrict the involvement of any advisors to one. In such cases, an attorney could not assist the student during the hearing.
Final Thoughts:
As most educational institutions allow the student to be supported by an attorney during the hearing, it is essential to consult an experienced attorney not just before the hearing but from the very first, after one has received the notice containing the decision of the authority against the academic code violation.