Factors to Consider When Buying an Egg Incubator

The poultry business has been booming over recent years with an increase in the number of consumers and the purchasing power of the consumers. With this increase, farmers have set out to increase output while maintaining sustainable costs to meet the demand in the market while making a profit.

The hatching process is among the significant shifts in this process, as more farmers opt to handle it by themselves. This article will take you through the factors you should consider when buying an incubator to ensure your decision is well-informed.

Incubators vary in many factors, and the variations are suited to ensure each individual’s needs are adequately met. The factors evaluated in this article are the major ones in the buying and hatching processes.

  1. The capacity of eggs the incubator can hold

Incubators with a small capacity are primarily suited to handle only chicken eggs effectively, while larger incubators can accommodate any eggs. Moreover, incubators produce better results when operating at their capacity; therefore, the capacity of the eggs to be hatched at go should be considered.

  1. Amount of labour demanded

The labour required to maintain and operate incubators with basic models is more, considering factors such as operation control and sanitation maintenance during the hatching period.

On the other hand, automatic incubators require less labour as they have automatic controls and have a self-disinfecting UV lamp for sanitation. In conclusion, automatic incubators are the better option when saving on operating costs in the long term is vital.

  1. Accuracy of controls

Accurate controls ensure accurate readings for better regulation conditions in the incubator. In the incubator, one must choose efficient temperature and humidity controls that can be suited to any region, as this will ensure a high hatch rate.

  1. Hatching space

In most cases, buying an Incubator with At Least a third of the egg capacity is advisable. This is because it ensures better control during the hatching duration.


  1. Power retention capacity

To ensure your eggs are safe from warm and cold spots during incubation, one should ensure the incubator can retain heat for long periods. This will go a long way in protecting the eggs for up to eighteen hours in case of a power shortage.

  1. Warranty

Service Warranties are a great indication of the quality and will have you assured of a replacement in case of any faulty parts in the equipment. Therefore, it is advisable that when choosing incubators in Kenya, one goes for options with more extended service Warranties.

  1. Power backup options

When operating an Incubator, it is essential to ensure it is plugged into a reliable supply source of power with a backup option, as this will put to rest the issue of power shortages and ensure superior functionality, thus a high hatch rate.

  1. After-sale services

After-sale services will take the burden of transportation off the buyer’s shoulder and ensure the efficiency of the installation process. It is, therefore, to check for vendors offering after-sale services.


There are many options in the market for incubators, thus leaving the buyer with the work of sorting through the market options to find one most suitable for their needs. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that your choice is the most suitable for your short-term goals and long-term vision.

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