6 Common Diseases Ticks Carry and Where to Look for Them on Your Puppy
Simply search Lyme disease online to know the horrors of carrying that disease. Also, know that Lyme disease is one among the several diseases ticks carry. They are highly prevalent in summer and autumn, but there is no ruling out the risks they pose throughout the year. This is precisely why your pet should have its guard up against them all the time.
Take preventive care but consider being prepared with the best pet insurance at the same time. Puppy insurance allows you to provide your furry pet with timely medical care with little financial hassle, so contemplate purchasing a policy. Meanwhile, read this article to learn about common diseases that ticks carry and where to find them on your puppy’s body.
Diseases ticks carry
Although some ticks carry specific diseases, others may carry more than one disease. Find below some common diseases carried by ticks.
Brown dog ticks transmit this disease. These ticks can chronically infect the white blood cells that may eventually enter your furry baby’s bone marrow and impact red blood cell production.
2.Lyme disease
Deer ticks carry this disease and can affect animals and humans alike. The condition typically starts as a tissue infection and causes lameness and many other symptoms.
This infection is carried by brown dog ticks and gulf coast ticks. A puppy suffering from it can exhibit signs of pain, fever, lethargy, weight loss, and depression.
4.Spotted fever
This disease is carried by lone star ticks and the effects on fur babies emerge abruptly and may last for a fortnight. A puppy infected by lone star ticks should be treated immediately to prevent the condition from progressing to a fatal stage.
This red blood cell infection can cause veterinary ultrasound machine, weakness, lethargy, and weight loss. Brown dog ticks are known to carry this infection.
A puppy with this blood infection often shows signs like lethargy, unexpected bleeding, and lameness. Western black-legged ticks and deer ticks transmit this infection.
Learn about the various types of ticks in your neighborhood and their distinguishing characteristics. It is always a good idea to stay educated and be updated about the health risks pesky ticks pose to little fur babies. Read on to know where to look for them on your puppy pal.
Where to look for ticks?
Ticks are tiny, and your puppy is unlikely to notice them on its body, so it is up to you to look for them regularly. Make a quick check once your furry baby returns home after playing outdoors, and look for other signs that indicate your canine has a tick on it.
Finding ticks inside the home and signs of illness like excessive head shaking, fever, bumps on the skin, and unexplained scabs indicate a tick attack. In a case like this, check the below-mentioned six places – on the head, around the neck, ears, under the armpits, tail, and between the toes.
Should you find a tick, try pulling it out carefully using tweezers. Don’t leave its head embedded in the skin, and clean the area using alcohol. When unsure, take your puppy to the vet for tick removal and treatment.
Puppy insurance covers testing, treatment, and medications during non-routine vet visits and medical emergencies, so should you have a policy, you need not worry about the finances involved in getting your pup cured at least. Contemplate purchasing the best pup insurance, so your furry baby is assured optimal coverage at bearable costs.